Most companies in Pakistan are using traditional filing systems to date. But now a rapid wave of digitization is emerging and most companies are converting all of their documents into digital formats. There are numerous factors behind this digital conversion process, above all is the cost of stationery. Most Pakistani companies spend a hefty amount of their capital on stationery every fiscal year. This not only bloats their expense budget but also takes a lot more space, and time than it should.
Filing systems in most companies have been digitalized in the world. But Pakistan’s industry is somewhat on the back-foot when it comes to adapting the digitalization. The good news for the region is that now there are way more optimal solutions for them to convert paper into digital files. With services like scanning and digitization and very nominal prices for the process, it is now feasible for most companies.
The process of digitizing the traditional files has become so smooth that it not only saves time but also chunks of costs. This helps most of the industrialists in Pakistan because they were looking for solutions that were time-saving and cost-saving both with effective results. Here are the processes being used to convert the paper into digital.
How Record Management Services Fetch Data

Indexing all the documents necessary for the company is important, here the special focus is given to the documents that are damaged. Since they rely on these documents so much that they cannot compromise on time factors this process is often given special care.
Here is the process of indexing documents:
Collection Of Documents:
All the important documents are collected after a deep analysis of prioritizing which ones need to be digitized first. Sometimes there are phases in which the documents are digitized and the phases are defined on the basis of priority.
After this high-tech scanners are used for the scanning process. Before the scanning process, the staples and tapes are carefully removed from the damaged documents. After compiling the documents in sequential order they are put in scanners.
Delivery Of Digitized Archive Libraries

The digitized archive libraries are how most digitization companies share the digitized documents with the company. These libraries can both be shared with individuals and also can be imported into a repository for centralized access.
It depends on the company owner what they prefer best for their business, some data is supposed to be shared with a lot of people to be accessed, processed, and optimized. While some of the data is kept from them, being declared confidential.
Custom Scanning
The custom scanning can be asked by the digitizing service provider, these documents could be the ones that the company owner wants to keep from everyone’s access in their company. Sometimes, multi-level access is required for the documents; this makes the documents accessible to some or a specific group of people.
Types Of Documents

Most companies prefer scanning documents that are normal in size usually the A4 size. But there are maps, layouts, and sometimes invoices that vary in size of the page. Fortunately, all these documents can be scanned and made visually feasible to be read on any device.
Some documents that people deem very important could be insurance, medical and financial records. There are services that cater to these documents with special care, and make them digitally accessible for you despite the size and shape of the physical document.
Lesser Physical Storage
Digitizing the documents impacts the physical footprint of the storage being occupied in the company. The physical documents are always at risk, there are termites, moist and other factors that could damage the documents. To reduce this risk and to reduce the physical storage being used in the company for documents digitization is necessary.
Cost-Effectiveness Of Digitization
Digitization can reduce costs immensely you can save a handsome amount of stationery expense and physical storage expense. Also, digitized documents cost lesser when their copies are made. One can share these copies without the risk of documents being lost or the breach of confidential information.
Final Form Of Digitized Document:

Usually, the documents that are old look better than the original documents, rest assured that the document will be in black and white text only. There are options of grey scaling and colorizing the document but that is only if the company wants specific documents to be colorized.
Also, once converted in a digital form one can always colorize and edit the digital form of the document as per need. Colorizing of the physical documents works excellent on the images as if there is a photograph being converted into a digital document it will look better than the original one for sure.
The final generation of the digital documents won’t be all images. The scanning service providers use the OCR or optical character recognition software to scan the physical documents. This software helps the user to have a digital form of their document that can be edited, modified, and copied digitally. One can rename them and save them as file formats. Giving much better results when searching the document or sharing them with peers.
Securing The Digital Documents:

When the documents are stored in a computer they are still at risk of being stolen or destroyed. That’s why most companies prefer to have an option of securing all the documents on the cloud network. This gives them excellent security and sharing capabilities.
Though there is also an option of retrieving the destroyed files from the computer but the better option is always to secure them in cloud storage. Because it’s easier to create a cloud storage backup than creating copies of physical documents.