Google also suspended business issues with Huawei after signing up the Chinese company Huawei by President Donald Trump. It has been reported that the consumers using wind which can currently use Android apps and Google Play services, but it is likely to be available this year after Google launches the next version.

However, users of Huawei will use this new version through the Android operating system Open Source License. It is believed that this ban was placed at a time when the American President Donald Trump joined the Chinese company, Huawei in the list of those companies who would not be able to trade without US firms license.
On the other hand, when the Google and Android system access is suspended on the devices of Huawei Company as Huawei Company has confirmed its operating system.
Huawei’s mobile chief Richard Yong Dong said that if Google and Android services were suspended permanently on Huawei, their company has already developed its operating system to cope with such situation. The statement issued by the company said that the system would be introduced for mobile phones and computers when needed. After Google’s ban, it was believed that after Google’s move, there would be a large number of mobile phones available worldwide.

Why are Google and Android Services Suspended on Huawei Technolgy?
Google services suspended on Chinese company Huawei Technologies. Google had taken this step when a few days back the US President Donald Trump blacklisted. Huawei is the largest manufacturer of mobile internet access to new Wi-Fi networks, and many Western countries and their companies use its tools.
Huawei users will now be able to use Android apps and Google Play services, but this year, it is unlikely to be available on their device devices after the launch of Google’s next version. After that, users of Huawei will use this new version through the Android operating system Open Source License.
Huawei Company has confirmed to be its operating system, Huawei’s mobile chief Richard Yong Dong Dong said that if Google and Android services were suspended permanently on Huawei, their company had to deal with such situation Has already developed an operating system. The company says the system will be introduced for mobile phones and computers when needed. It is also said that after the move, the company is ready for all kinds of impact on its business worldwide.

It was believed that last week President Trump signed an executive order, which will allow US companies to stop using telecom equipment developed by foreign companies, which the US government thinks as a threat to national security. Haven’s administration has said many times in the past that he is not a threat to America, and the allegations of spying of American companies are unmatched.
Well for the users of the Huawei this news would be much disappointing because Huawei is no longer an android system for them! Plus they would hardly be finding so many issues in accessing to Google with their Huawei mobiles.
What is your opinion about it?